Presentations on genealogy and history have been a fixture to our Festival Savalette since its inception in 2005. This was decided after the great interest shown during the World Congress of Acadians the previous year. Notable presenters of these workshops are Steven White, leading researcher, author and teacher, Université de Moncton, Eileen Avery, Santa Barbara, California, Bill Gerrior, researcher/author of ” Acadian Awakenings”, Sandra Perro/Petitpas, British Columbia and author of “Getting to the Roots of My Family Tree”, CBC personality, Terry Punch and local personality, Jude Avery. Thanks to the above mentioned personalities along with others, such as Irene Schofield, Rose and Mike Casey, the late Brad Pellerin, Geneva Fougere, Lloyd Boucher, and Mary Richard the history and genealogies of all Acadian families tied to this area has been researched and information digitized.
Visiting groups have requested presentations and were addressed by local presenters. A visiting Chezzetcook Seniors’ group, the Eastern Nova Scotia Gardening Association are examples of these, while individual and smaller groups have been, and continue to be addressed as requested.